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Fuels Research

Research Papers


Fuels Research Papers

Mass fire behavior created by extensive tree mortality and high tree density not predicted by operational fire behavior models in the southern Sierra Nevada.

Stephens, S. L., A. A. Bernal, B. M. Collins, M. A. Finney, C. Lautenberger, D. Saah. 2022. Mass fire behavior created by extensive tree mortality and high tree density not predicted by operational fire behavior models in the southern Sierra Nevada. Forest Ecol. And Manage. 518.

Mapping Fuels

Pyregence is developing a protocol for sampling forest fuels and integrating the information into a thematic map. We’re using satellite imagery and aerial LiDAR, combined with field measurements, to characterize vegetation types and the amount, size, depth, and nature of forest fuels in granular detail.

These factors will then be entered into spatially explicit fuel models, which will help researchers, electric utility companies, and fire management agencies improve their decision-making and reduce risk to communities and utility infrastructure.